Eid Mubarak
This will be my first post in Bahasa on this blog. I got it from Shokri who claimed that he was not the author. It is a series of pantuns, to be read in each state's respective dialect; here goes:
That actually proves that I have nothing much to blog on these days -- maybe it is the fasting month; I'm lousy when it comes to fasting :-{
If you have an appropriate reply to any of the above pantuns, feel free to use the cooment board below.
SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDIL FITRI to all my blog readers, maaf zahir batin.
Make ikke cicoh budu
Jange lupo tamboh satar
Kelik rayo taksir laju
Nanti rayo dale sepita
Makang ubi jamang jepong
Makang kepok cicah cuke
Bulang pose mung bengong
Bulang raye mung gile
Sepadan Pahang ada kasino
Nasi dagang ikan patin
Jange mu masam muko
Raya makan rendang sadin
Cegitu cegini awak suke
Awak suke kite tak suke
Esok luse hari raye
Sama-sama bersuke rie
Hawau kau berak merate
Kaki bengkak ulau patok
Kalu balik naik kerete
Jangan pandu kalau ngantok
N. Sembilan...
Masak lomak cili api
Campo dongan daun turi
Hari rayo kolumpo sopi
Tinggal penyamun dongan pencuri
(org kolumpo jgn kocik ati!!)
Wa cakap lu wa tak tau
Tapi wa tipu sama lu
Raya jangan buat tak tau
Angpau ada bagi gua dulu
Gulei tempoyak ikan mayong
Deroyan busok tebok tupei
Pandu hemat ingat kampong
Ase(Asal) teman selamat sampei
Aloq Staq terketaq-ketaq
Lapaq perut makan pau
Macam mana tak ketaq
Kena paksa bagi angpau
Nasi kandaq kedai mamak
Anak mami juai pesemboq
Lepaih raya jgn dok triak
Kalu ceti mai kot dapoq
Padang besaq kecik aja
Tempat siam lalu lalang
Hari raya kita berbelanja
Jangan sampai menambah utang
That actually proves that I have nothing much to blog on these days -- maybe it is the fasting month; I'm lousy when it comes to fasting :-{
If you have an appropriate reply to any of the above pantuns, feel free to use the cooment board below.
SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDIL FITRI to all my blog readers, maaf zahir batin.
Anak rusa meredah desa
Tangan ce yusup digigit kerengga
puasa itu mudah saja
jangan masuk apa-apa dalam rongga
Kemarau di Kukup kurang terasa
Balik ke Bentong untuk berkelah
Kalau tak cukup wang untuk berbuka
Korek hidung pun cukup lah
Anonymous, at 10:18 PM
Selamat hari raya...
Maaf zahir batin...
cik shah
Anonymous, at 9:16 AM
Nice one, Procek. If that was how you keep your puasa, wonder how you celebrate Raya!
Eid Mubarak to you too, Cikgu Shah.
Kri, at 1:28 PM
hi there..no more updates?
Hope AdDict, at 2:51 AM
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