Monday, August 14, 2006

Streamyx Fix

I'm now a cyber-hermit, leaving a life without the Internet through my own miscalculations. Have been spending too much time and energy on useless pursuits, shifting my priorities around, lending a helping hand to friends so they can go on with their lives and out of my hair so I can go back to my useless pursuits and shifting priorities and so on and so on. Until Big Brother struck: No more Streamyx!

So for the past several weeks, I can only access the Internet through cyber-cafes. Or other people's computers -- this entry is being posted through Tiff's pc at home. The only problem with cyber-cafes and other people's computers is that you don't remember all your passwords as you got your own pc to memorise those; and you can't download anything because they're not your own hard drives.

Anyway, I need an excuse for not updating this blog. I hope I can still remember what my new pasword is for this blog when I get my Streamyx back so I can tell my old pc what to memorise.

You don't miss what you never had; so I went and deleted everything from my mailbox without even opening them today. What a feeling! It must be the same kind of feeling those mystics got when they shunned the world, no? Maybe not. But I hope I'll be somewhat enlightened at the end of this unconnected journey.


  • aloha...
    what about own laptop, can surf wireless at the coffee cafe(s) outlets while you sip that mocha java?

    By Blogger Mme RoSsé, at 4:51 AM  

  • ...any sponsor/(s) for a laptop? we'll always be amused by his writings!..all the best Kri!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:32 AM  

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