Sunday, August 08, 2004

Stretched Patience

Here's what the horoscope says today:
Just when you were sure you'd die of impatience, you've discovered you're going to live -- happily. The heavens have turned you into a veritable magnet for the attention of delightful new admirers. Oh, stop pretending you didn't know.

Here's what had happened so far:
I have been meaning to post some pictures of the recent mudflood at the village here on this blog. Since I wasn't there to record the damage on film when the disaster struck (I was in Sungai Petani the whole night waiting for the rain to stop so that I can ride my scooter home!) so I started to find someone who has the pictures. And my search led me to an NGO that has been very active in protesting against the setting up of the rock quarry.

But it has been a series of disappointments so far. The girl manning the phone said that nobody was in the office and her job there was, well, to answer the phone. So she gave me the number of the guy in charge who happened to be quite near my work place. I called this guy and he told me that all the pictures were in his computer at another place. Great! They were all in digitised form already so I don't have to scan them. I gave him my Yahoo address as Yahoo had increased the storage capacity recently and my mailbox should be able to take whatever they can send to me.
After a couple of days of waiting in anticipation, all my mailbox had were several spams in the Bulk folder and a couple of newsletters which I had subscribed. But, no pictures. So I sent out a polite SMS in case he had forgotten about the pictures, and I waited in frustration again.

A day later, someone from a sister organisation to the NGO called. Aha, things are moving a bit at last. Again, a confirmation that the elusive pictures were right there in their harddisk. Great, so can you send my some by email, I asked excitedly. There were so many pictures and he couldn't possibly send me all of them. No problem, I said, just send me five at a time as allowed by Yahoo. The guy from the sister NGO said that he was having some Internet connection problems in the area, so transmissin by email wouldn't be possible. Shucks, now they're telling me!

So how do I get my hands on those pictures? The guy suggested that I go to the website instead. Everyting I want would be there. Wow, they're on the 'Net too! So I surfed there hoping to be able to choase and download to my heart's content. Again, another disappointment. All I could find in the archives were three measly blurry pictures of the flood water! Nothing as spectacular as those printed on their protest literature.

I haven't given up hope. There must be a way of getting round this pathetic situation. Hope what the stars say will come true.


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